Buy your copy of the "Halls Mill Sorghum Squeeze" old time sorghum making video. DVD for only $12.49

This Video gives detailed demonstrations on how to make sorghum molasses. It also includes live performances and antique equipment shown at the Halls Mill Sorghum Squeeze held annually in Bedford County Tennessee

Halls Mill Sorghum Squeeze

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The Halls Mill Sorghum Squeeze Video on DVD

  The first weekend in October., the time chosen by Randall Crowell and Clyde Elvis Boyce for friends and neighbors to come together to share a taste of the past.

Watch as the Sorghum Bottom Gang uses their mules and antique equipment to cook up the tasty treats of the past. This video contains footage from 2008 thru 2010.

The Halls Mill Sorghum Squeeze a taste of the past.
This is a one of a kind video covering the planting, growing, harvesting, squeezing, and cooking of sweet sorghum molasses. The community comes together to share in these time tested methods lest they slip permanently into the past.

Features:  The Halls Mill Sorghum Squeeze DVD takes advantage of the DVD format divided into the following 6 Chapters for easy search and viewing. This allows the viewer to review the chapter they want quickly and easily.

Chapter List: 6 Chapters approx. 72 Mins.

  •  Play Movie- Introduction, meet Randall and Clyde and watch entire video.
  •  Panting Time- Learn how and when to prepare and plant sorghum.
  •  Seed 2 Syrup- An overview of the entire process as told by Randall Crowell
  •  Cutting Time- Watch the methods and means for cutting and harvesting the sorghum cane.
  • Sorghum Press- Video of the mule powered press and the workers.
  • The Cooker- Video of the cooker, means, men, and method for cooking the syrup.

Included in the video are live performances by The Mid State Cloggers, Whiskey Run,  Horace Carpenter, and others. The Halls Mill Sorghum Squeeze Ballad- Written and performed by Horace Carpenter is also included.

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