Buy a copy of the "Middle Tennessee Trappers Training Camp" instructional video DVD for only $12.95 and learn how to trap wild animals.

This Video gives detailed demonstrations on how to set traps and snares for Coyote, Fox, Beaver, Otter, and Raccoon. Join the instructors and guests on a live trap line and numerous hands-on demonstrations.

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Watch professionals set a trap line, run the traps with the guests, demonstrate various sets and techniques, skin their catch, and teach what it takes to be an effective and ethical trapper.

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Warning- This video depicts the harvest and skinning of  animals and may not be suitable for some viewers

Middle Tennessee Trappers Training Camp DVD

  On a hot weekend in Sept. Jerry Bowman pulls together members of the Tennessee Fur Harvesters Association (TFHA), National Trappers Association (NTA), Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA), venders and hundreds of guests at the Cedar Rock Hunting Preserve to share a wealth of knowledge about trapping and fur harvesting. This two day event is captured on film for your review.

Included Content- Approx. 2hrs. 15 Chapters covering;

  • Water Sets- Otter, Muskrat, Beaver, Coon

  • Land Sets- Dirt Hole for Coyote, Bobcat, Fox

  • Skinning- Coon, Beaver, Otter

Middle Tennessee Trappers Training Camp features: Take advantage of the DVD format dividing two (2) Hrs. of video into the following 15 Chapters for easy search and viewing. 

Chapter List: 15 Chapters approx.120 Mins.

  • Play All- Meet the guides and demonstrators and watch entire video.
  • On the River- See the water sets and animals taken on the first day.
  • Caught a Coon- Watch the catch and release of a Raccoon on the river.
  • Caught Two Beaver- Watch and learn about how to catch Beaver.
  • Fox on the Run-  Two Foxes are caught and released and the sets explained
  • Opossum in a Cat Set- Details of a Bobcat set that catches a Opossum instead.
  • Trapping Demos.- Trap setting and sets demonstrations at camp.
  • Skin a Coon- Learn how to skin and stretch a Raccoon pelt.
  • Skin a Beaver-Learn how to skin and stretch a Beaver fur.
  • Skin an Otter-Learn how to skin and stretch an Otter fur.
  • Snare Demos.-Learn how, when and where to set snares
  • Coyote Sets-See various sets made for Coyotes
  • Trap Line Day 2-The second days catch on the two day event.
  • Beaver Trapping-Learn about the traps and techniques needed to catch Beaver.
  • Young Trappers- The TWRA hosts a Trappers Education course and certifies the trappers.

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